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Once you have successfully made it through the job search process and receive an offer, there is one final, yet often intimidating step: negotiating your salary. When you are excited about an opportunity, it can be tempting to simply accept whatever compensation the employer offers. However, you are in arguably the most advantageous position you… Read more »


Managing remote employees requires a different strategy than an in-person environment in order to facilitate productivity and collaboration, while also cultivating a positive culture. Although remote work can be advantageous for employees due to having autonomy over their work environment and being able to focus without common workplace distractions, there is a common obstacle managers… Read more »


Many workers struggle with feeling as though their lives are dominated by their jobs. With technology making it so easy to always be accessible, it can be challenging not to let work creep into your personal time. However, lacking a balance between work and life can cause chronic stress and lead to burnout, exacerbate health… Read more »


Due to the current state of the labor market, many employers are competing for top talent. If you find yourself feeling unfulfilled by your current job, it is an opportune time to make a professional change. Learn more about why now might be a good time to change jobs:   Abundant Opportunities  The demand for… Read more »


One of the more difficult aspects of being a manager is handling employees who are having issues not performing and/or behaving to the professional standards you have set. However, you can turn things around if you deal with the situation intentionally. Check out these tips for working with (not around) employees who are being challenging:… Read more »


When you are dealing with a heavy workload, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to best utilize your efforts. However, if you are not proactive with your strategy, you may end up being constantly busy without having results to show for it. This can quickly become overly stressful and lead to burnout. If… Read more »


The first week at a new job is an exciting new start, but can also be very nerve-wracking. There is so much to learn, new people to meet, and an unfamiliar environment to navigate – all while trying to prove the company made the right choice in hiring you and that you will be a… Read more »


When assessing candidates during the hiring process, one of the most effective predictors of success to identify is self-motivation. When employees have an internal drive to work hard because it is personally fulfilling to them, they are more likely to be productive, engaged team players. How do you spot this trait during the interview process?… Read more »


As remote and hybrid work becomes more commonplace, it’s just as likely that you could be requested to be interviewed in person or virtually at any given time during your job search. Since the setups are so different between the two formats, your strategies need to be adjusted accordingly. Check out these tips about how… Read more »


Once you advance in the hiring process and make it to the interview stage, it’s so important to have your references ready to provide. However, don’t just compile some contact information for some people in your professional network – it requires thoughtful decision-making. Learn more about how you should select your references and what boxes… Read more »