As the days shorten and the inevitable march toward winter approaches (imminently, according to various drugstore Christmas displays), our minds unconsciously move toward a sort of hibernation approach as we mentally prepare for colder days. So how can you keep your employees motivated and productive in the fall as we move out of the beach attitude of summer? Here are a few tips and ideas to help workers stay focused and reaping the benefits of their continued efforts.
Get back to school.
Focus on that back-to-school mentality of a fresh start, a renewed sense of energy and opportunity. Teachers start out detailing their plans and goals for the school year with their students; this could be an excellent time to sit down with your team and review what you’ve done so far, whether you’ve accomplished your set goals thus far, and what you have yet to do as the end of the calendar year approaches. In keeping with the school mode, look to see what you can do to introduce a new way of approaching a project. And as you move toward winter “break,” make sure you’ll have everything done beforehand so you can take a few days off knowing you’ve crossed all Ts and dotted all Is.
Expand your knowledge.
In keeping with the idea of going back to school, harness the vibe by helping employees learn a new skill. See who you can bring in for an on-site professional development day – or, even better, help keep energy up by having the office go offsite for a local speaker or conference day. Sometimes a new location helps spark new ideas. Have HR check to see what opportunities exist for helping an interested employee sharpen her skills through online or college courses.
Take time to play.
The crisper, cooler weather doesn’t mean you can’t get outside. Organize a team outing to play or watch a sport together – it allows employees to interact outside of the office and bond a little. See if there’s a volunteer opportunity the office can participate in to give back to the community. Treat the office to lunch after a particularly well-executed project. Host a Happy Hour at a local restaurant or pub on a Friday to give employees a chance to wind down and relax together. As the saying goes, all work and no play…
Fall can be fleeting. Don’t let opportunities to help your office stay productive and focused slip away from you before the snow flies. And if you need any ideas, the experts at PrideStaff can help give you ideas to maintain a productive and efficient workforce as well.
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