
A good leader must always project a rock-solid demeanor of calm, leaving sentiment at home – lest employees think them weak, of course.

Then again, maybe not. If you want employees to get passionately invested in their work and the company, you have to show a little passion yourself. A message that comes off as too rehearsed and polished can imply insincerity. You may end up actually alienating employees if they think you’re sending a message you don’t believe in yourself.

In fact, employees view the emotional manager or superior as an outlier, a rare breed … so when you become one, it can come off as such a shock that whatever you’re saying comes across as even more sincere than intended; you have no hidden agenda. Employees want a manager they can relate to on some level, and they want to believe that what they’re working on has some kind of value that they can help with and care about. When you, as a leader, demonstrate passion, it spurs them into positive action and connects them with you and the company.

Of course, you have to take care with how and when you show emotion. If you’re known for outbursts that cause more upset than union, that can completely derail your effectiveness as a leader. And letting your emotions overshadow your practicality and judgment can also negatively affect outcomes. You have to figure out the balance between when to rein emotions in and when showing them will positively affect those around you. Taking time to figure out when you let your emotions come through and the impact they have on your work and employees will allow you to figure out how to use them most productively.

 For help with any leadership tasks, visit PrideStaff  – we can help you become the sort of person employees will want to follow.

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