You always want the best people for your team, and you may have just what you need waiting in the wings if you have successful interns. So how do you know which interns to hire and which ones to simply thank for their time? Use the following criteria to help you decide.
They’ve significantly contributed to their team.
If you’ve set up the program correctly and allowed for your interns to have true, on-the-job experiences (with proper mentoring and training), the ones who stand out will be the ones who have truly made a difference on projects and used their skills to improve what they’re working on. The job would not have been done as well without their contributions.
They’ve done more than they were asked to do.
This doesn’t equate with using an intern to do all the grunt work that needs to get done (although they may well do some); it means that, when asked to do something reasonable, they do it without hesitation. And, if finished with a current task, they ask what else they can do to help. This demonstrates a willingness and recognition that everyone contributes in order to meet deadlines and get things done, as well as a desire to learn more about the company and their place in it.
They ask for feedback … and put it into play.
A weak intern asks for feedback because he’s worried he’s not doing well; he asks from a point of fear. A strong intern asks for feedback because he wants to know if and how he can improve upon what he’s already doing, and then makes the improvements. The intern who has the confidence to know they’re doing good work, but still wants to strive for the next level, is someone you want on your team.
You already think of them as a team member.
If the internship is drawing to a close and you find yourself wondering how you’re going to get everything done once your intern is gone, that should tell you something about how much they’ve done for the company and integrated themselves into the fabric of the workplace. This is the person who fits well culturally with the rest of the employees, contributes in and outside of the workplace, and makes themselves an indispensable worker.
When you discover you have this sort of intern in your midst, do what you can to promote that person to a full-time employee; they’ve shown you the best possible working interview they ever could have. For help with finding quality interns, visit PrideStaff.
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