The job search process can take its emotional toll, from the frustration of applying and never hearing back to, even worse, advancing in the hiring process only to get rejected in the end. Getting turned down is unavoidable when you’re looking for a job, but with the right mindset, it can be an opportunity rather than a failure. Learn from a job rejection and move past it with these tips:
Remind Yourself: It’s Not Personal
When you get rejected from a job, you may internalize it as meaning you’re not good enough. However, hiring managers aren’t likely to be passing on you because they think you’re unintelligent, untalented, or unlikeable – in fact, you could have been a top contender. It may come down to another candidate simply was just a bit more qualified or a better fit. So remind yourself: a job rejection is not a personal rejection.
Revisit Your Achievements
Give yourself a pep talk to get back into a confident, self-assured mindset to revitalize your job search after a rejection. Revisit your achievements – think back to all your professional accomplishments or hurdles that you overcame in the past. If you remind yourself you’ve done hard things and bounced back previously, you’ll realize you are capable of doing it again.
Reflect on Strengths and Areas for Improvement
After you’ve had some time to recover from the emotional side of job rejection, objectively assess the situation so you can improve as you move forward. Reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement – what seemed to go well, and where did you struggle? Gaining clarity is the first step to being more successful as you continue in your job search.
Review Your Goals and Strategy
Take what you’ve learned from your self-reflection and determine what you should continue doing and what exactly you need to change in terms of your goals and overall strategy. For example, if you have realized that you didn’t make the best impression at the interview, define ways to prepare differently for the next job interview you have (i.e., conducting a mock interview or rewording your responses). This will make you feel empowered about the future, as opposed to ruminating about the undesired outcome in the past.
Find Your Next Job with PrideStaff!
Move on from rejection and find the opportunity that is right for you by working with an experienced staffing agency like PrideStaff Akron. Our team of recruiters can match you with the jobs that are the best match from employers across industries. Search our database of current available jobs to get started.
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