
According to findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five adults in the U.S. experience mental illness each year, with anxiety and depression among the most common. Mental health plays an integral role in everyday functioning, especially in the workplace, since it has a variety of potential triggers for stress. Therefore, it is important to be regularly aware of the state of your mental health, practice self-care, and/or seek professional support when needed to be satisfied and successful professionally. Learn more about the importance of mental health at work:


Quality of Performance

Mental health and productivity are strongly related – your mental condition significantly influences your motivation and engagement levels and your ability to focus, retain information, and make logical decisions. The quality of your performance at work can suffer greatly, which can cause more stress and result in a negative cycle. 


Coping with Challenges

All jobs come with at least some level of work-related stress, whether that’s trying to prioritize tasks in a heavy workload, meet a daunting deadline, handle a demanding colleague, or recover from mistakes. The quality of your mental health will impact your ability to cope with these challenges. An excessive amount of prolonged stress or consistently high-pressure environment can contribute to a decline in your mental well-being. 


Interpersonal Relationships

How well you get along with your colleagues and your boss is also closely tied to mental health. Interpersonal relationships can be more prone to conflict if you are experiencing mental health issues, as it can cause you to be more irritable or impulsive in your interactions. Not only will it make your workdays more stressful if you don’t have connections with your coworkers, but it can also make it more difficult to collaborate and get your work done. 


Physical Health

Poor mental health is also related to an increased likelihood of physical health problems, which can cause you to miss work and affect you professionally. Chronic mental health issues may make you more likely to develop physical health conditions, including fatigue, stomach pain, headaches, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. 


Find New Opportunities 

Land the right job for you by teaming up with PrideStaff Akron to explore the possibilities. We work with employers in the Akron area for their hiring needs, and can match you with the job opportunities that are the best fit for you. Search our database of current available jobs. 

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