Whether you’re happily employed or searching for a job, the new year is an ideal time to set or reset your career goals. The holidays provide some much needed time off to rejuvenate, refresh, and refocus, which can help you to hit the ground running, professionally, come the new year. Reflecting on 2012 Carve out… Read more »
The Watercooler is PrideStaff’s blog covering trends and tips for successfully managing issues in the workplace, such as: retention, employee engagement, and interviewing.
Recent Articles
Lots of companies are adding an executive-level position of culture chief. Seems like a good idea, right? NOT SO! When done right, a culture exec can be a powerful role to marshal resources, but it runs a HUGE risk of communicating a top-down approach to culture–and that’s not the way to go. What works better?… Read more »
Want to make a big impact on your company–and your career–in 2013? Then it’s time to put your human resources to the test. It’s time to challenge your organization to do more, do it better, and really make the most of your human resources function. Are you ready? Here are 30 HR challenges for you…. Read more »