Temporary-to-hire is a type of employment in which workers are hired on a probationary basis and extended a permanent offer after a designated timeframe if the employer is satisfied with the performance conditions. These types of roles aren’t just helpful to employers who can mitigate their risk of making the wrong hiring choice – as… Read more »
Ask anyone in HR who has read resumes, and they will tell you that the number of people who manage to send in ones with errors is astounding. A poorly proofread resume goes straight into the trash, so take care to carefully proofread every bit of it before the hours of work you put into… Read more »
Do you know someone who dreads heading into work each and every day? We can help you, help them. And you’ll get rewarded too! If you know someone currently looking for employment, or someone that might benefit from a change in scenery, let us know. Simply complete this short Refer a Friend form and we’ll get to… Read more »
As someone in charge of others, you have enormous responsibility. You want to take charge in such a way that you get the most out of your employees by being firm but fair. Respected but not necessarily feared. Here are some tips to rid your self of the stereotypical “boss” mentality and become known as… Read more »