When you are job searching, you never want to get ahead of yourself – until you have an official offer, nothing is truly final. However, it’s natural to want to know how an interview went so you can set your expectations appropriately. Here are some signs to show that you crushed your job interview: There… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Akron Recruitment Agencies
The Secret to Better Leadership May be Asking for Feedback
If you truly want to know how you’re doing as a leader, you should probably get some insight from those who work directly with you. It makes all the sense in the world, yet ironically too many leaders overlook this important step in their desire to become better at what they do. Follow our tips… Read more »
How to Earn Your Employees’ Trust to Build Loyalty
If you want to keep your employees and reduce turnover, as well as foster loyalty, you must earn their trust. As in any relationship, trust must be earned, and companies who have managed this have used a few proven ways to make it happen. Transparency and Truthfulness Employees want to know what’s going on in… Read more »
What’s the Best Time of Day to Apply for a Job in Akron?
You may have heard about the best time of year or even day of the week to apply for a job – but did you know you can apply at a certain time of day to get the edge as well? The employment platform TalentWorks did some research to see if time of day corresponded… Read more »
10 Ways to Make Performance Reviews More Meaningful
Too many of us dread performance reviews – both giving and receiving. But, if done right, they’ll do so much more than simply take up time asking questions and giving answers that simply check off a box and truly help make each employee better. Prepare. Before jumping in, think about what you want to… Read more »
How to Develop an Effective Social Media Policy for Employees
Social media has become an everyday part of our lives; we find ourselves constantly checking on the latest update, answering the pings that make our phones buzz and our hearts race just a little bit faster: What happened? Who posted? Unfortunately, those distractions filter too often into the workplace, taking people away from work and… Read more »
Four Common Interview Mistakes You’re Making Without Knowing It
You may have all the basics of interviewing down: You’ve researched the company, you had great references, you show up on time and professionally dressed, and you’ve prepped the most common interview questions, so you feel absolutely prepared. However, consider these mistakes as well that, while not career-ending, can still keep you from getting the… Read more »
How to Show Off Your Awesome Company Culture to Job Seekers
As potential candidates look at employers, they value company culture just as much – and sometimes more – than a steady paycheck, particularly the millennial generation, which will soon make up almost half the workforce. The reality is that you need to advertise yourself to candidates just as much as they have to show their… Read more »
Tips for Listing Measurable Accomplishments to a Resume When You Don’t Think You Have Them
When creating a resume, it should look as complete as possible — while you don’t want to fill it up with too much or make it too wordy, you also don’t want to have large blank spaces because you simply don’t have the numbers to make it look complete. Everyone says that it helps to have concrete… Read more »
Let Your Cookie-Cutter Company Culture Crumble
You may well know and believe that company culture can have a strong impact on workers, including their satisfaction with the job, which can have a significant ripple effect (turnover, recommending the company to others, etc.). When you look at really successful companies such as Google and Zappos and their “unconventional” culture, you may feel tempted… Read more »