How To Land Your First Job Interview For A Job You’ll Love!


When you’re first entering the professional world, it can be overwhelming to try to get your foot in the door and get an employer to notice and take a chance on you. By putting in the effort to showcase all that you have to offer, you can catch hiring managers’ attention and get the opportunity… Read more »

Interview Tips: When to Keep Your Answers Short


Interview Advice

You may feel a need to tell an interviewer everything possible so they can get the best measure of you in the time you have, but that can lead to wordy answers that actually hurt your chances rather than helping you. For some questions in particular, you’ll do best keeping your responses succinct.   When… Read more »

Four Common Interview Mistakes You’re Making Without Knowing It


You may have all the basics of interviewing down: You’ve researched the company, you had great references, you show up on time and professionally dressed, and you’ve prepped the most common interview questions, so you feel absolutely prepared. However, consider these mistakes as well that, while not career-ending, can still keep you from getting the… Read more »